July Recap
This is as good of time as any to start documenting some of my journey and share random thoughts, photos and what I have generally been up to. July was a milestone month in my photographic journey. I believe I may have exposed and developed 18 rolls of film in the month, though I could be off by one or two. There may have been a couple of double roll days, I am just going by when the work was completed. Productive for sure.
So why such a great month? First off, I had an image selected for publication in Eye Photo Magazine which was really great, and validating for some of the work I have been putting in.
Second, I was featured in a youtube video as an underrated photographer:
Third, I sold a few prints (and a photo session), which was totally amazing.
Lastly, my friend Josh (https://jtinseoul.com/) who really started out as a teacher and mentor back in the spring which really pushed me technically and creatively has become a friend, and asked me to sort of manage him as he continues to try to build his brand and portfolio and gain some recognition for his talented work. His work is off the charts.
Most of the month was spent on a mixture of portraits (mostly family) which I am really starting to have success, achieving a consistent look and feel and getting results I am happy with, sort of in the moment snapshots, and street photography. Street photography has been the biggest hurdle, because in the end, its just plain hard, and relies on a lot of patience and luck to find an image worth any sort of discussion.
All in all a great month. Since March, I have been working everyday, using one lens, and one camera (mostly, the odd iphone photo creeps in, and I did test a new to me film rangefinder/point and shoot.
I haven’t been keeping track exactly, but I imagine I am up to about 100-ish rolls for the year, which really started in April for me. During the heat of Covid, I was going through a roll a day. Mind you, these are mostly 24 exposures. All but one of the black and white has been HP5, with a roll of Tmax400 and a 2-3 colour rolls just to mix it up. Black and white are home developed, which I have come to enjoy.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far, look forward to comments and criticisms.